Monday 26 January 2009


Robert Burns. The great Scottish poet, 1759-1796, is celebrating his 250th anniversary on the 25th of January of 2009. You can find more information about him and his poems on the site: I might suggest a collaborative learning activity for this session using some Scottish words. Material: printed cards with the Scottish words: AYE, NAW, NOO, WEE, BAIRN, WEAN, DOUR, FEART, THAT'S A SIN, EEJIT, CRABBIT, DREICH, HEN AND DOLL, A PIECE, STEAMIN, HAWD YOUR WEISHED, DINNAE KEN, etc... printed cards with the English words: VERY DRUNK, DULL, MISERABLE, GRUMPY, FEMALE, YES, IDIOT, A SANDWICH, DULL, DAMP, WET, SMALL, BE QUIET, NO, SCARED, FRIGHTENED, THAT'S A SHAME, CHILD, I DON'T KNOW, NOW, etc... Step 1: The tutor gives to the participants a set of Scottish and English words. They are supposed to match the correspondent meaning of each word working collaboratively. Step 2: The tutor chooses a word and asks to one person of the group to give the correspondent word. Step 3: To every right answer is given a Scottish flag. Win the group with more flags. Time: about 60 minutes. Option: The tutor reads the word, and a group is chosen to spell it and give the translation.

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