Monday, 26 January 2009


Robert Burns. The great Scottish poet, 1759-1796, is celebrating his 250th anniversary on the 25th of January of 2009. You can find more information about him and his poems on the site: I might suggest a collaborative learning activity for this session using some Scottish words. Material: printed cards with the Scottish words: AYE, NAW, NOO, WEE, BAIRN, WEAN, DOUR, FEART, THAT'S A SIN, EEJIT, CRABBIT, DREICH, HEN AND DOLL, A PIECE, STEAMIN, HAWD YOUR WEISHED, DINNAE KEN, etc... printed cards with the English words: VERY DRUNK, DULL, MISERABLE, GRUMPY, FEMALE, YES, IDIOT, A SANDWICH, DULL, DAMP, WET, SMALL, BE QUIET, NO, SCARED, FRIGHTENED, THAT'S A SHAME, CHILD, I DON'T KNOW, NOW, etc... Step 1: The tutor gives to the participants a set of Scottish and English words. They are supposed to match the correspondent meaning of each word working collaboratively. Step 2: The tutor chooses a word and asks to one person of the group to give the correspondent word. Step 3: To every right answer is given a Scottish flag. Win the group with more flags. Time: about 60 minutes. Option: The tutor reads the word, and a group is chosen to spell it and give the translation.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Material : Short stories

Time : 60min

Objective: development of general knowledge using the skills; reading, speaking, listening and writing.

Planning : The stories are illustrated with pictures, suitable for the level of the participants and short for quick comprehension.


1- The participants read the story in silence;

2- Volunteers can retell the story and discuss it;

3- Write the story with own words;

4- Check the handwriting observing:

grammar mistakes;



word order;

5- Prepare an exercise using the common mistakes;

6- The participants are supposed to re-write the story correcting their own mistakes.

7- Reward the final writing.

Monday, 19 January 2009


Learning another language is learning another culture.It is going to be very helpful if the learners can recognize different speeches used in distinctive places.

Let's see some examples:
e.g: Could you bring us the bill, please?

question: Where would you listen it?

answer: In a restaurant.

Prepare a variety of situations with just one sentence:

keep the change!
say "cheese!"
flight 4335 is now boarding through gate 4
next, please!
a pack of paracetamol, please!

Possible answers:
customer to the waiter,
taking photos,
in a queue in the bank, supermarket, post office, etc
chemist, drugstore.

Try to emphasize the sentences in a context. Play roles building up a situation in each of the places above.

waiter: Would you like some coffee, Sir?
customer: No thank you. Could I have the bill, please?
waiter: Certainly!
The waiter brings the bill.
customer: (pays) keep the change!
waiter: Thank you, Sir! Good night!

Option: Guess Who?
Answer: Waiter, photographer, cashier, customer

Time: 20 min.
Objective: building up vocabulary and interaction



It is very important to review old sessions, and this is a good example of a new lesson.

Warm up: The participants were asked to review the words "on holiday" topic.

e.g: cruise holiday, safari, hiking, hotel, beach, seaside, camping, caravan, etc...

Link the activity to a board game, which we are going to call CATEGORIES. It means that you can take the idea and work around the topic you have for the session.

A board card is prepared with the categories to be created:

e.g: holiday, furniture, job, fruit, colours, classroom objects, etc;

Option 1: The participants can fill the CATEGORIES, card A, with their own ideas and knowledge;

Option 2: The tutor prepares another card, B, with all the words related to the categories required in card A, listed but mixed. The participants are supposed to pick the right choice to a selected category.

e.g: Card A
Category - Holiday

Card B
Safari, cruise, beach, hotel, seaside, caravan, camping, etc...

Suggestion: When the card A is filled up, the tutor can ask the participants to add one more word for each category.

e.g: excursion

Time: about 20-25 min.
Level: Beginners
Objective: vocabulary acquisition
Skills: speaking, writing, reading, and listening

Thursday, 15 January 2009


1- Warm up:

Discuss with the group:-

Where was your last vacation?


Mix and match pictures with some types of holiday. E.g: Cruise holiday, Safari holiday, Camping holiday, Hiking holiday, Beach holiday, Hotel holiday, etc...

3-Discussion: Talk about the types of holiday above.
What kind of holiday have you had?
When was it?
Did you enjoy?

4- Link the verbs with the words:
go try buy take

---------------local food

5- Act out a dialogue about your last holiday:

Enjoy the lesson....