Tuesday, 26 February 2008


People love riddles. Here it is one to illustrate your driving lesson.

Ask to the participants:

How do you come to school?

Probably you are going to listen: by car, by bus, by bike, on foot....so ask again:

I'm not a cap or coat, but you must put me on before you hit the road! What am I?

The answer: SEAT BELT


Every lesson should be interactive and motivating. People tend to seat at the same places with the same partners, but it is very importante they come to know each other. This icebreaker is the chance to speak to four different people at least.


*Give a label to each participant and ask them to write their names;

*Ask them to find a different partner;

*Give them two minutes to talk and introduce themselves;

*After two minutes you say "STOP";

*Ask them to get their partner's lable; it means that from know they are going to assume a new personality "they are going to perform their first partner with another partner";

*Say "GO" and speak to your new partner pretending you are your previous partner;

*After two minutes you say "STOP";

*Again change the labels and personalities and partneres for four times;

*You say "STOP" and please "SIT DOWN";

*You start the introduction;

My name is....
I am from.......
I live in.....
I work for.....

and you ask.... WHO ARE YOU?.... Give a chance to hear everybody. You are going to notice that some information is lost, and some changed, but it is a very good icebreaker.



Everybody should know the main important rules and laws about driving. It is part of knowledge to live and work better in any country.
I am studying the theory to get my driver's licence in UK. The process is very hard, because I need to learn the specific jargon around the subject, as well to know the rules, the laws, and all the road traffic signs. It is a challenge!

Play and learn it!

*Print some flash cards with the road traffic signs and their respective meanings to play match the pairs;

* Prepare an exercise with pictures and meanings to link;

* Do the theory test and learn through mistakes;

The objective of this lesson is based on new vocabulary, and grammar is MUST, MUSTN'T, SHOULD, SHOULDN'T, HAVE TO, DON'T HAVE TO.

Have fun!!!

Friday, 15 February 2008


You can have a very great time when you teach the parts of the body.

After the exercise "match the words and pictures", prepare some labels with the parts of the body. Draw a "Frankenstein" in a cardboard as big as a person and stick it on the wall. Divide the class in groups and give them the labels to stick on the right place. Of course, the winner is the best "Frankenstein". Sometimes, the elbow is labeled on the shoulder, and the eyebrown on the eyelash. The mistakes bring a good laugh, and of course, everybody can learn and have a good fun.

Enjoy the activity!!!!

Family Learning

It has just begun a Family Learning Course in Arbroath. There were four mothers from different countries; Latvia, Lithuania, and Pakistan.

To introduce ourselves, we prepared a poster drawing maps. The childrem participated as part of integration with their parents.

As a tutor, I started intruducing myself. I drew Brazil and Scotland maps with my family members in each country. Everybody had a chance to say:

My name is........................

I am from..........................

I have been here since..................

I live with............................in..............................and in my home country are....................................

I want to learn English because...........................................

My goal is......................................................................

After presentation, the childrem left the room to have some activities with the staff. At this point, I explained that they should complete a form with personal information and also answer a test to give me an idea about their English level. Two ladies were able to answer all the questions, but the other two did not do the test. They were able to read and understand, but not to write.

WE used flash cards for alphabet, days of the week, months of the year, and word hunt to practice reading and writing and talk about general knowledge. It was very funny!

Wednesday, 13 February 2008


It is very good to recap the previous subject every time you meet your group. You can be very surprised with the progress among the participants.

I am one of the staff who is charge of the development and delivering the project "Working and Living in Angus", Scotland. We have got about 20 Eastern European every evening, once a week for 2 hours.

Teaching a language is an introduction of a different culture. Most of them come to this country with low level of English language or none at all. The objective is to offer them a better opportunity to become part of the society while they acquire the language, work and live in Scotland. The country is with its arms opened to embrance the community and to give them free education and a better opportunity for life.

"Recap" really works.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Friday, 1 February 2008


Well, if you are living in a foreign country, I believe there are some subjects we should know in case we need in an emergency.

As I am a Brazilian in Scotland, I bring the "HEALTH" subject for your English class.

Start a simple discussion about the Health System in your country.

Ex: Where should you go if you need an operation?

What are the specialists you know in the health system?

I hope we get a list of vocabulary:


Don't forget to use some repetition to check pronunciation and the stress of the new words. You can also encourage the group to use the words in a contest like this:

Ex: A................is a person who............................................

A dentist is a person who looks after your teeth.

...........................is a place you ..............................................

Hospital is a place you stay when you are ill.

You might want to review the words and the sentences, or probably you want to include some other extra information. In this case, prepare some flash cards with pictures, and play match the words.


MIMICS IS ALWAYS FUNNY. Ask to the group to stand up, listen carefully to the instruction and do it: * Right hand up; *down; *Left hand up; *down; *Touch your right eye; *Left ear; *Left eye; *Right ear; *Left eye with your right hand; *Touch your left foot; Just use your creativity and have fun!!!